Ways to Support

Endowment Found

The purpose of the Foundation’s Endowment Fund is to ensure long-term, sustainable funding to support the health care initiatives of the Colchester East Hants Health Centre. The fund is comprised of both restricted funds (only to be used for a particular use) and unrestricted funds, providing the opportunity to directly fund the area of greatest need.

To ensure the long-term growth of the fund, it is guided by a board-approved Investment Policy Statement. It has been the Foundation’s policy and practice to deposit all bequests received into the fund, as well as unrestricted memorial contributions. While the capital of all funds invested is preserved, the interest earned is withdrawn annually to support healthcare initiatives.

Ways to Support

The CEHHC Foundation strives to improve healthcare in our community by funding equipment and other patient care enhancements, so all community  members can access the care they deserve. Help us save a life by donating today.

Contact Us

Foundation Address:
600 Abenaki Road

Truro, Nova Scotia  B2N 5A1

The Foundation office is located on the left as you enter the main entrance of the Colchester East Hants Health Centre.

 (902) 893-5541
 (902) 895-5841

Mon-Fri, 8am - 4pm


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